Red vs. Blue

God I love RvB. I first started watching it on YouTube when I was probably 8 years old
-TV shows will be split
-Games will sometimes be grouped together. So sections like the "Sims" or "Pokemon" section will include multiple games from that series, they will be marked with a +. Ex: "Pokemon+". This won't happen with every game of a series if they're different enough, God of War and Shadow of Mordor will be seperate, along with some others.
-Again, the games in the sidebar are not all the game's I've ever played, just the ones I have things to say about, mostly positive :)
~Just some quick facts~
1. As of the time I'm writing this (02/09/2023) I have played 186 games. This isn't including arcade/joystick games (dig-dug comes to mind as one I played a lot) and a few games that I can't remember from early childhood.
2. The first game I ever played was Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator. I played it on my dad's work computer when I was probably 4 or 5 years old and adored it. Other games that aren't here but that have a special place in my heart are Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, World of Warcraft and all the Paparia games on CoolMathGames.
3. I'm so sorry to all online multiplayer games out there. I just can't do it, people suck so hard. I've played a few online multiple games with my brother over the years, but even then I never played as much as he did.
4. If you do want to check out almost ALL the games I've played then feel free to check this out. It's a list of all the games I own! A lot of them aren't played because I got them for free off of Epic Games and probably won't play them, but the majority are still ones I've played. It also has the amount of hours for games that I have access to (rip the probably thousands of hours I have on Minecraft and CoD:II), ratings for games I remember enough about, and even if I've 100%ed the game or not! Basically just a quicknotes version of all the stuff on the side. I do know however that it's missing a good handful of things, arcade/joystick games, a few other things, and strangley enough WolfQuest... maybe I should put that on there...