Well, well, well look what we have here.

A few things before you start exploring!
If you're here chances are you came from my main page. If I'm being honest that page is more of just an excuse for me to make some edgy 2010's tumblr asthetic website, not any form of an anctual introduction. This page isn't an introduction either, just something to help you navigate this portion of my site if you're interested in seeing the things I've consumed and my opinions on them (both good AND bad).
I'm absolute trash at making websites so this is how it's going to work:
Each section in the top bar (Games, Shows, ect.) will send you to a similar website that will have a small blerp where you are currently reading this.
The links in the sidebars will be links to the media, for "Games", "Shows", and "Movies" there will be a "All Time Favorites" section, and below that will be all the media in alphabetical order. I recommend that if you're looking for a certain thing that you ctrl+f.
For "Music", "Youtubers", and "Other" it will explained in further detail on their respective main pages
Especially the music, I mean can you imagine? I have watched so many movies that I can't even remember, literally hundereds of games, and probably thousands of songs. This is just for media that I have opinions on, something to say about them. A few of them will have links to much more expansive lists, but the actual links on the sidebars aren't the full thing. Don't worry though, I have a lot to say about a lot of things!